I graduated Trinity High School and got into the food industry. Quickly becoming a manager and developing plans for new store openings across the area. I worked in this field for 6 years before moving on...
I found myself working for mobile recondition company and was moved to take over the Dayton area accounts shortly after. I developed the area all around Dayton and had exponential sales growth in the auto recon every week. I became a trainer for the company before they went out of business, leading to my first LLC, Performance Refinishing.
I ran Performance Refinishing for years and had great success. But after all that time the chemicals and weather got the better of me and I decided to move on to something with more growth potential.
Working in auto recon for years led me to meet a lot of people. When the time came to transition, I reached out to one of my good accounts looking for a sales job with Honda. I was hired and never looked back. Running the gambit of sales, then shortly after sales manager, to a general manager position. For years I went back and forth from sales to management, the auto industry being a tough nut to crack in that regard. But decades later I've accomplished just about everything one in that industry can, culminating with Platinum Sales Associate in the highly regarded Acura COSE awards. Something less than 1% of sales associates nationwide will ever achieve.
I have a good 10+ years in me and just looking for the next chapter in my career. Something I LOVE doing, vs something that's been good for a very long time. I can do anything I want, now just to find that position that allows me to shine in whatever it is I fall into.
I started working for Taco Bell a long time ago. Out of high school and while I worked on my degree at CSU. I remember the day I got hired, there was another kid that got hired the same time. I vowed to be better from day 1. He was let go shortly after, where I became a manager in a short few months. Then moved to a new store opening team that setup and trained staff for any new Taco Bell in the area.
After a few years of this I moved on to Wendy's as a store manager, then moved to Chicago to work for Wendy's Intl'. I was a store manager at a Phase III training store: We taught franchisees and managers how to become owners and bosses. Our store set records year after year for sales growth and service.
I moved back to Ohio a few years later, working for Wendy's here and then moved on to Auto Refinishing. It was time to get into something with a better career option, for me.
I started working for an auto reconditioning company and shortly after moved to their Dayton territory to take over from someone that was leaving the company. This was supposed to be temporary, but turned into more long term as sales grew.